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Little Dinosaurs, Big Feelings

Author: Haddow, Swapna

Children's, Teenage & educational

Published on 4 January 2024 by Magic Cat Publishing in the United Kingdom as part of 'the 10 Mindful Stories' series.

Hardback | 112 pages
185 x 235 x 18 | 518g

Doctor Diplo is the Jurassic kingdom's best-loved therapist.

Meet him and ten of his Jurassic friends...

Steggie the Angry DinosaurRex the Scared DinosaurBruno the Sad DinosaurMinka the Happy DinosaurPoppy the Lonely DinosaurPercy the Shy DinosaurTerrie the Excited DinosaurTrev the Overwhelmed DinosaurIggy the Bored DinosaurNino the Content DinosaurHear their stories, and discover how to navigate different emotions with simple mindfulness tools and exercises.

This cute and funny, full-colour guide on emotions and feelings for children 5+ offers:-Ten read-aloud stories demonstrating tools to help navigate different emotions-An opportunity to open up conversations about feelings in a gentle and approachable way-Simple mindfulness exercises from Australian child psychologist Amber Owen-Sweet, colourful illustrations that bring the story to life and provide opportunity to discuss each feeling in turn-A 'how to use this book' guide for carers at the back of the bookWritten by best-selling, prize-winning author Swapna Haddow, with calming, charming illustrations from Yiting Lee, this is the perfect book to help every little person master their big feelings.

Words of praise for Little Dinosaurs, Big Feelings:A Bookseller's Editor's Pick of the Month: 'exciting and intelligent'.

Little Dinosaurs, Big Feelings

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